Library User conducts and study atmosphere
As an integral part of a dynamic educational institution, Knutsford Library endeavors to maintain an atmosphere that is conducive to learning, research, and relaxation. For this reason, library users are expected to conform to certain standards of conduct so that they do not interfere with the use and enjoyment of the library by others.
Library Users
The Knutsford Library and its facilities are open to students, staff, and members of the KNUSTFORD Community. Borrowing rights are reserved for students who are currently enrolled in the university and staff of the Knutsford. Privileges will be given to part-time lecturers, retirees from the institution as well as alumni of the college without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, religious affiliation, gender, or economic status. Those who qualify for these privileges will have ID cards that they may present at the Circulation Desk to use the facilities.
The following conduct is not permitted in any part of the library except in certain designated circumstances:
- Eating or drinking (exception bottled water)
- Loud talking, laughing, or sleeping.
- Smoking is prohibited.
- Indecent Dressing.
- Blocking or interfering with the free movement of other individuals.
- Exhibition of obscene materials.
- Bringing animals of any kind into the library.
- Making or receiving telephone calls within the library.
- No seat shall be reserved for any patron.
- Distribution of leaflets or flyers without prior approval of the librarian.
- Theft, mutilation, or defacement of library property, including books, periodicals, encyclopedias, or anything else contained in the library’s collection.
- Removal of any library property, including any items from the library collection, without authorization of library staff or through the library’s lending procedures.
- Overt sexual behavior.
- Behavior that appears to be due to the influence of drugs, alcohol, or other chemicals.
- Display or use of weapons of any kind.
- Entering a non-public area without permission of the library staff.
- Any other behavior that interferes with the right of others to enjoy and use the library.
- Use of library equipment to access material that is illegal.
General Policies and Regulations
The following general policies and regulations are in effect:
- Library hours and any changes shall be posted at the entrance to the Library.
- Borrowers shall be responsible for all items borrowed in their accounts.
- The Library reserves the right to inspect the borrower’s personal belongings for library items. Inspection is made prior to the borrower exiting the library.
- To protect the borrower’s right to privacy, library staff are not to open and/or reach into the borrower’s personal belongings. They must ask the borrower to open his or her bag and view the contents only. If there is a question about a specific item, the borrower will be asked to remove the item for inspection.
- An item that has a loan period of 7 days or more may be recalled by the library at any time. The borrower has a 7-day loan from the time the item has been recalled or the original due date, whichever comes first. A recall notice is generated by the Library and mailed to the borrower to whom the item is charged. The recall notice specifies the new due date for the item. When the item is returned, a pickup notice is generated by the Library and mailed to the person who has requested the recall.
- Records of borrowing transactions and other records linking the names of library borrowers with specific material will be maintained in a confidential manner.
- Library fines/fees are the responsibility of the borrower and are not transferable to another borrower’s account and/or library card.
- The Library may place a block on a borrower’s account when fines/fees incurred have reached the maximum limit, an item is lost, an account is expired, an address correction is needed, or if recalled items are overdue and still outstanding.
- Payments for library fines/fees are accepted at the Library. Payment may be made by cash and a receipt issued accordingly.
- Borrowers are responsible for notifying the library of any changes to their account.
- The Librarian, or other authorized designees, has the discretion to make exceptions to this policy. The determination by the Librarian is however final.