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Research Commons



Research Commons


  • The loan period is determined by a combination of collection policy, item type, and the borrower type.
  • Items such as reference, periodical, are “Library Use Only” are considered non-circulating.
  • Lecturers, staff, and students of the Knutsford have borrowing privileges. All borrowers must be registered with the Library and have a valid Knutsford library card.
  • Borrowing privileges of the lecturer/staff will expire when affiliation with the Knutsford is dissolved. For students, their borrowing rights cease upon completion of their course program.
  • Students who do not register with the Library do not have borrowing rights although they are permitted to use the facility.

Users are expected to use computing resources in a manner consistent with the educational and research goals of the University College and in compliance with the College’s policies and national laws. The Library’s public computer equipment is provided to enable library users to access the collections and other information resources and services in support of curriculum and research needs.

Users are expected to respect library collections.

Users must

  1. Check out or obtain proper authorization before removing library materials, equipment, or property from library facilities.
  2. Refrain from deliberately misplacing library materials to prevent or limit access by others.
  3. Return library materials on or before the due date or upon request by the Library.
  4. Handle library materials gently, such that they are not mutilated, defaced, or damaged.
  5. Observe applicable intellectual property and copyright laws and electronic resource licenses.

Knutsford Daa Library offers various features and pleasant benefits for all the readers. Learn more about how effectively you can use our library to your best advantage and visit us for a tour.

Photocopying is available in the Library at a reasonable price per exposure (page).  Copies can be made on a cash-only basis. No credit allowed.  All photocopying must be in accordance with the Copyright law of Ghana Act 85 of 1961 and repealed by PNDC Law 110.

Location of KNUTSFORD Library doesn’t permit it to have an exclusive parking lot for library clients only. However, there is a common public parking lot for all KNUTSFORD staff, students and visitors including library patrons.

KNUTSFORD intends installing WIFI hotspots that can be accessed from the parking lot and nearby courtyards to enable students access points while waiting at the parking lot before attending lectures or visiting the library.

Though there is a security personnel attached to and overseeing orderliness at the parking lot, KNUTSFORD doesn’t accept responsibility for loss of patron’s items during parking. Patrons are therefore cautioned and reminded to ensure maximum safety of vital items while parking.
